Water Resources
Groundwater and Hydrogeological services
Over the last few years, an increase in demand for Groundwater and Hydrogeological services led to the creation of the hydrogeological service group. This group provides services that enable the supply of economically feasible water resource for domestic and industrial use.The services offered include geophysical investigation, borehole drilling, logging, groundwater reservoir modeling, development routines to optimize water supply, building and installation of water treatment facilities and monitoring of water quality.

People fetching water at a site in ijora Badia

Test running installed fetch pads at Ijora Badia:- A Lagos state Borehole drilling project.
Our approach includes, assessment of the geology of the area, planning of a survey campaign, field acquisition of geophysical data (e.g. VES, IP, Magnetics, Gravity surveys etc.), analysis of these data and subsequent creation of subsurface models in the clients area of interest (AOI). These models are integrated with maps from GIS database. The integration enables surface features to be reflected on the model. The enhanced model now allows wells to be optimally placed on the clients AOI. We also test and treat produced water using appropriate geochemical methods.

3D view of geoelectric sections

3D hydrogeological framework

3D view of geoelectric sections

3D hydrogeological framework
Since the inception of the hydrogeological services department, EMR has been actively executing projects for both public and private sector investors. As part of the Lagos State Metropolitan Development Programme (LMGDP), EMR carried out ground water exploration and subsequent drilling of nine water wells in the Ijora Badia area of Lagos State. These wells are currently serving the area and providing the public with their daily portable water needs.