Reservoir Engineering
Material Balance Analysis (MBA)
Material balance analysis is an essential reservoir engineering technique used to: determine original fluids-in-place, estimate reserves, understand reservoir drive mechanisms and predict future reservoir performance. Our deliverables, which include volumetric estimation of hydrocarbon in place, reserves evaluation, monitoring current reservoir fluid contacts and determination of predominant drive mechanism, has helped our clients in optimizing production.Movement of Oil water contact (OWC) and Gas oil contact (GOC) over time due to production
Well Test Analysis (WTA)
Our dedicated team of experts provide well test data interpretation using standard industry software. We perform pressure and rate transient analysis (PTA and RTA) to help our clients better understand the properties of their reservoir, such as: flow regimes, average reservoir pressure, permeability, skin, boundaries, productivities, etc.Well test analysis with multiple pressure build up (PBU).
Decline Curve Analysis (DCA)
DCA is a technique which uses production history to predict future oil or gas well performance. The exponential, hyperbolic and harmonic rate decline methods are used in the industry for empirical decline curve analysis. Our reservoir engineering team utilize these traditional methods to predict future oil or gas well performance and to estimate oil reserves.Figure showing the various methods of carrying out decline curve analysis.